80s Flashback
Blanche: “I am
simply gonna look high and low, far and wide, and never lose heart,
for I know one day my prince will come.”
Dorothy: “Now what
was that supposed to mean?”
Sophia: “I wasn't
paying close attention, but from what I could make of it she's gonna
sleep with that little black guy Prince.”
Musical Moments
Blanche: “I'm just
so confused.”
Musician: “You
think you're confused, take a look at our horn section.”
That’s What She
Jake: “It tastes
better if your lips are warmed up first.”
Lewd Ladies
Rose: “You know,
sometimes when people are under pressure, they sleep to escape.
Sophia: “Dorothy's
father used to do that. Unfortunately, it was usually during
Dorothy: “Ma, the
man is dead.”
Sophia: “Longer
than you think.”
Picture It
Sophia: “My
marriage was arranged, I had no say in the matter.”
Dorothy: “You mean
you didn't pick Pop?”
Sophia: “He didn't
pick me, either. We learned to love each other, thank God, but it
wasn't our idea. There were eight unmarried girls and eight unmarried
boys in the village that spring.”
Blanche: “How'd
they decide who went with who?”
Sophia: “Height.
If I hadn't stood on that rock, I'd have ended up with Luigi the
Zbornak Zingers
Rose: “If I ever
got another chance at a second Mr. Right, I'd want somebody entirely
different from Charlie…I'd like somebody really wild. Somebody
impulsive, who'd sweep me off my feet. He'd pick me up in his
convertible Porsche and whisk me to the airport. We'd fly to his
villa in the south of France, where we'd blindfold the orchestra and
dance until dawn. And then we'd watch the sun come up over two
steaming cups of cocoa...”
Sophia: “Cocoa??”
Rose: “With little
“Marshmallows? Rose, you trollop!”
Oh Shut Up, Rose!
Jake: “I stopped
to help a lady who was stranded on the side of the road, and ended up
fixing her transmission.”
Blanche: “Aren't
there people who do that for a living?”
Rose: “Andy
Granatelli does. Although he doesn't actually fix them himself. I
guess he doesn't wanna get his trench coat dirty. But I hear he has
this special school in Wisconsin... I know! Shut up, Rose…”
Product Placement
Rose: “I did learn
that baked Alaska can actually be cooked locally.”
Dorothy: “Rose, I
have an even bigger scoop for you. Mars bars are made right here on
Sassy Sophia
Dorothy: “Hi Ma,
shouldn't you be finishing those invitations?”
Sophia: “I'm just
here for a glass of water, the stamp-licking dries me out.”
Rose: “Why don't
you use a sponge?”
Sophia: “I feel
more comfortable drinking out of a glass.”
Back in St. Olaf
Dorothy: “Blanche,
did you hire the band?”
Blanche: “Rose is
supposed to do that.”
Dorothy: “Well, I
warn you, we may end up with the Hansger Flügenhaben
Yodeling Quartet.”
Rose: “That's not
true, they broke up. But the Sonia Van Kügel
Tuba Band is free.”
Best of B.E.D.
Dorothy: “Blanche,
did it ever occur to you that possibly Rose or I might be interested
in Jake?”
Blanche: “Yes.”
Rose: “And you
still used every cheap ploy to nab him before we had a chance?”
Blanche: “Yes.”
Dorothy: “Then
what do you have to say for yourself?”
Blanche: “Damn,
I'm good!”
Reel References
Rose: “I keep
having nightmares about the banquet… I'm at the banquet. It looks
beautiful. I look beautiful. Everybody looks beautiful. And suddenly
Charlton Heston walks in, dressed like Moses. And he tries to part
the dessert table. And when that doesn't work, he rounds up the
guests and leads them to the lingerie department of the nearest
JCPenney's, where everybody starts making fun of the fat-lady
underwear. What do you suppose it means?”
Dorothy: “That you
spent too many years sleeping on curlers.”
Golden Quotes
Dorothy: “Ma, you
can't sleep either?”
Sophia: “No, I'm
sleeping so good I thought I'd come try it in the sink!”
Dorothy: “You'll
have to excuse my mother, she was a witness to the Hindenburg
Blanche: “I don't understand how I let this thing happen. I'm so confused.”
Musician: “Honey, you think you're confused? Take a look at our horn section.”
Critique: Am I the only who gets a
craving to watch “Aladdin” after watching this episode? It's
called “Diamond in the Rough.” You don't know what I'm talking
about? Nevermind. So I'd say Jake the caterer is probably one of the
more popular guys Blanche has ever gone after throughout the series.
He's extremely likable and I'm curious how many fans wanna smack
Blanche upside the head for letting him go. This episode is
completely fine and offers some decently memorable quotes. Overall
though there's nothing that particularly memorable about it. It's
simply plotted and the fact that the girls are planning yet another
fundraising banquet makes it blend in with all their other charitable
work. Blanche gets the most to work with here but it's Dorothy's
overly low-pitched “I forgive you” to Jake that is my favorite.
Sophia also seems slightly underused here except for her funny quip
about “those queens on the bandstand.” Overall this is a good
episode that remains well-liked by fans but is still not up to the
high standards set by this wonderful season. I also wanna see Rose
put a layer of caramel on her face before powdering her nose. If the
musician from the “all-female jazz band” looks familiar he played
Otho in “Beetlejuice.” GRADE: B+
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