Synopsis: Rose is
nominated for St. Olaf Woman of the Year and Dorothy and Blanche
secretly fudge her biography to help her win.
Crazy Continuity
This entire episode shows the crazy ways one must travel to St. Olaf,
however, in the season 3 episode “Mother’s Day” we see Rose
traveling to St. Olaf simply by bus. Also, previously in the episode
“Charlie’s Buddy” Rose says you can’t get to St. Gustav by
plane, you can only get there by toboggan.
And lastly, we learn in the Burt Reynolds episode that Butter Queen
is St. Olaf’s highest honor. So which is it?
Let’s Get Political
Rose: “In St. Olaf this is the highest honor there is. Oh I never
dreamed that someone as unqualified as I am would ever be nominated
for anything so important.”
Dorothy: “I guess Dan Quayle really opened the floodgates.”
St. Olaf Vocab
Mount Losenbaden – a mountain, not unlike Mr. Rushmore, with four
presidential losers carved into the mountainside. Not to be confused
with Lake Losenbaden which is in the shape of a lake.
Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Stanley
Dorothy: “Oh why is it they schedule the charity softball game on
the hottest day of the year?”
Blanche: “I know it. I'm all hot and sweaty, I'm short of breath,
and I'm physically exhausted. You'd think I had a good time.”
That’s What She Said
Dorothy: “Blanche, I’m glad we’re alone, there’s something I
think we should do.”
Blanche: “Dorothy I like you as a friend but I think I’ll pass.”
Animal Alert
This marks the first appearance of Dreyfus from GG spinoff “Empty
Lewd Ladies
Blanche: “Only thing I really enjoyed was stealing second base.”
Dorothy: “When have you not enjoyed sliding under a man in
Blanche: “Thank god you're here, this heat's driving me crazy!”
Repairman: “You're not the only one. The old lady next door is running through a sprinkler in her underwear.”
Dorothy: “There's no old lady living - MA!!”
Picture It
Sophia: “I'll never forget when I went back after many, many years,
everything was just as I remembered it. Garbage in the street,
prostitutes in the doorways, a couple of guys hanging from their
heels in the town square. No I can't go on. Got a handkerchief?”
Blanche: “Honey, why are you getting all teary? Sicily sounds just
Sophia: “That wasn't Sicily. That was my first apartment in
Zbornak Zingers
Sophia: “It's great bringing two idiots closer together.”
Dorothy: “I think that's the motto of the St. Olaf telephone
Insult Watch
Rose: “I just found out I’m the most boring person alive.”
Sophia: “Did something happen to Regis Philbin??”
Product Placement
Rose: “I don't believe it. This is incredible news! I've been
nominated for St. Olaf woman of the year.”
Blanche: “Oh that's nice. Did the new TV Guide come yet?”
Sassy Sophia
Sophia: “Look, Rose. God doesn't make mistakes. We were all put on
this planet for a purpose. Blanche, you're here to work in a museum
so that art can be appreciated by humanity. Dorothy, you're here as a
substitute teacher to educate our youth. And Rose, you're here
because the rhythm method was very popular in the '20s.”
Best of B.E.D.
Dorothy: “This is unbearable. It must be 110 in here.”
Blanche: “I'll tell you a very simple way to beat the heat.
JustiImagine yourself in a cool place. Like a snowy, windy
mountaintop in Colorado. With a ski instructor named Fritz. And a
bearskin rug and a bottle of brandy and a crackling fire. My God,
Dorothy, it must be 120 in here!!”
Golden Quotes
Blanche: “What's Mount Losenbaden?”
Rose: “It's kinda like Mount Rushmore, except they sculpted four
losers of presidential elections in the mountainside. Let's see,
there was Alf Landen, Wendell Wilkie and Adlai Stevenson and Adlai
Blanche: “Why are there two Adlai Stevensons?”
Rose: “Oh Blanche, isn't it obvious? He lost twice. Oh, God, it's
making sense!”
Blanche: “He is so sophisticated and charming and rich and
handsome. He fairly screams Blanche! At least he will before I'm
through with him.”
Critique: I’m definitely not the first one to observe this, but if it’s the
hottest day of the year in Miami why the hell are they all wearing
long pants and sweaters? But I digress. I absolutely love this
episode and I’m certainly not alone. It has echoes of the
misadventures that occurred in “Grab That Dough” as we follow the
girls on their endless journey to St. Olaf. It’s a little
disappointing that we never actually get to see Rose’s hometown but
the journey is what really matters. Even four seasons in we're
learning so much more about St. Olaf and it's residents. One of the
show's biggest inconsistencies involves travel to this mysterious,
crazy town. Sometimes you have to get there by toboggan, others you
can take a bus. And sometimes you have to fly to St. Gustav and then
take land transportation like the birds do. It's a fun, lighthearted
episode that's pretty silly but shows the fantastic dynamic between
all these fantastic ladies. GRADE: A-
And now Regis Philbin is gone. RIP