Musical Moments
Sophia & the boarders, singing a variation of Mademoiselle
from Armentières: “The first marine he found the bean, parlez-vous/The
second marine, he cooked the bean, parlez-vous/The third marine, he ate the
bean/blew apart the submarine/Inky dinky parlez-vous!”
Let’s Get Political
Rose: “How much do you want for it?”
Citrus Festival representative: “Well, they're pretty rare.
There's only five of these. I'd say $2000.”
Sophia: “$2000 a plate? What is this? A Republican fundraiser??”
Lewd Ladies
Virginia: “What are you talking about?”
Blanche: “You always trying to make me out to be the
inconsiderate one. I remember when you were 16 and didn't come home for
Father's Day.”
Virginia: “I was away at school.”
Blanche: “Oh, yes. The Good Samaritan Academy for the
Knocked-Up. Two, four, six, eight, all us girls are three months late.”
Zbornak Zingers
Blanche: “Have you ever seen a more movin’ piece of art?”
Dorothy: “Only at Graceland.”
Insult Watch
Blanche: “Big Daddy isn't deyud. I think Virginia's just playing
a little practical joke.”
Sophia: “What kind of a person plays a joke like that? You
want to play a joke, you ring somebody's doorbell and run away. Or you shorten
the leg on somebody's walker so it wobbles. Or you arrange for somebody to go
on a long car trip with Rose. You don't tell them their father's dead.”
Blanche: “Dorothy, come look at these old pictures. I think I
must of been about ten years old in this one. Big Daddy just taught me how to
ride a horse.”
Dorothy: “You were quite a little porker back then, weren't
Blanche: “I was a little chunky, that's all.”
Dorothy: “Blanche, the horse's eyes are crossed. You were
Blanche: “Every little girl goes through that ugly stage.”
Dorothy: “Yeah. Ugly, yes. But this is ugly and fat.”
Tales from the Old South
Blanche: “Oh Dorothy, there's so many memories connected to this
room. We used to have our big family reunions in here. Generations of
Hollingsworth would gather round Big Daddy with his bourbon and branch. And while
he sat there in front of a roaring fire regaling everybody with stories of the
Old South, I'd sneak away up to my room and make out with cousin Abernathy.”
Dorothy: “The room has that sense of tradition.”
Sassy Sophia
Dorothy: “Ma, you're not gonna answer ads in the personals
again, are you? We got a lot of complaints last time.”
Sophia: “Hey, he asked for a single white female who likes to
party, and he got one.”
Back in St. Olaf
Rose: “$400? Back in St. Olaf, the most expensive room was
$18. 50. And that includes the cow.”
Dorothy: “All right, Rose. Why would you want a cow in the
Rose: “It's the law.”
Best of B.E.D.
Blanche: “Look here. This is when I was crowned Azalea Queen.
Wasn't I beautiful then?”
Dorothy: “Yeah. And you still haven't lost it.”
Blanche: “Actually, this picture was taken two years after I
lost it.”
From Feud to Food
Blanche: “Ketchup to go on my lima beans.”
Dorothy: “Why?”
Blanche: “Oh, he sometimes ate 'em that way. He'd make up
stories about how that's the way the kings and queens of Europe ate 'em. He always
made it sound so special. He always made everything sound… so damned special.”
Golden Quotes
Dorothy: “Listen to this: The highlight being the Citrus
Festival Ball, which is being chaired this year by 35-year-old Blanche
Devereaux. How much did that cost you?”
Blanche: “I don't have to pay for my compliments.”
Dorothy: “You went to bed with him?”
Blanche: “Twice. But it's not like I wouldn't have anyway.”
Blanche: “I'm too upset to eat. I may never eat again.”
Virginia: “Blanche.”
Blanche: “Oh, you're right, I should keep up my strength. Dorothy,
something with frosting.”
Rose: “Sophia, who are Peter and Maddy and why are they
staying in Blanche's room?”
Sophia: “Because Dorothy's room and your room are already
Rose: “Well, where am I gonna sleep?”
Sophia: “I could rent you half of my room.”
Dorothy: “Fat, fat water rat, fifty bullets in your hat!”
Rose: “Hello? Oh, hello Dorothy. No, it didn't ring here. Why?
No, everything's fine here. Sophia?”
Sophia, whispering: “Tell
her I'm in church.”
Rose, whispering: “She's in church.”
Blanche: “'Cause Big Daddy, I do love you so much. I just
wish there was some way I could know you're hearing what I'm saying.”
Dorothy: “Blanche…”
Blanche: “Oh, Lordy.”
Blanche: “Big Daddy, you remember Dorothy.”
Dorothy: “Hello.”
Sophia: “I've been working on what we can tell Blanche about
that plate. I wrote it down. You be Rose, why don't I be Sophia. This is what
we'll say right after they walk in the door. [reading] Hi, Blanche. You look
beautiful. Welcome home. I love you.”
Rose [reading]: “I broke the plate. I'm such a clumsy fool.”
I utterly love the randomness of Sophia’s B story line (also,
when the hell isn’t she obsessed with having a large television?). Also, how
the hell do the boarders, who are out-of-towners, have friends over for a party
if they’re on vacation? I dunno, maybe all of Maddy’s friends booked their
hotels and Maddy got lazy. But I digress. This is a standout episode for
Blanche. She gets to be sassy and slutty and also very serious since it’s
about, ya know, her father dying and all the drama that comes with losing a
family member. But there’s plenty of great humor here as well and enough
insults to last a lifetime. I love how the two story lines come together in a
delightful little twist that only the best sitcoms could do. The whole idea of
a “Citrus Festival Ball” is so… Florida. And only a show as well written as The
Golden Girls could have one word lines like “Twice” be every bit as funny as
fully formed sentences. This is a good one. GRADE: A
And for those curious, yes it's real:
For crazy continuity: Country singer Big Daddy sold the family home and land in season 1, but here it is yet again!